As has been mentioned elsewhere, it’s not a part of the methodology of the Point and Shoot Film Cameras website, to discuss lens quality, or make scientific tests and comparisons between different point and shoot film cameras.
However, as a follow-up to the best point & shoot film cameras review, I thought that it might be interesting to show some photographs taken by some of these compact cameras. In this case, I’ve chosen images taken by my top three favourites, the Fujifilm DL Super Mini (also known as the Cardia Tiara), the Olympus mju II (otherwise known as the Olympus Stylus Epic) and the Ricoh FF-7 (or FF-9 depending on the market).
These three came top of my list for various reasons, which you can read about in the original article. As ever, it’s worth being aware that these are not intended to be like-for-like comparisons. Each of these photos was taken at different times, under different conditions – other than they were all taken in low light, without a flash and with 400 ISO (but different) film. They were all scanned at 7200dpi on a Plustek film scanner and have had some post-processing applied to them in Photoshop.
You can click on the images for a closer view.
This first image is taken by the ‘lowest-end’ of these cameras, The humble Ricoh FF-7. But, in my subjective opinion, the 35mm lens on this camera takes great photos, which can be seen by the texture detail in the cover of the fluorescent light and and beautiful gradients. Of course, the Ilford XP2 Super film will have helped with that.
Taken with a Ricoh FF-7 (FF-9), Using Ilford XP2 Super film.
The Olympus Stylus Epic needs no great introduction. It coped admirably well with this extremely dark, high contracts night scene and Kodak’s Tri-X was perfectly suited for the image style as well.
Taken with a Olympus mju II / Olympus Stylus Epic, on Kodak Tri-X 400 film.
For some reason, I generally use colour film with the Fujifilm DL Super Mini / Cardia Tiara. I’m not sure why. Perhaps because it always strikes me as an aesthetically ‘luxury’ camera, which demands a high quality colour film? Perhaps it’s just the way that its 28mm aspherical Fujinon prime lens deals with colour?
Taken with a Fujifilm DL Super Mini / Cardia Tiara, using Kodak Portra 400 film.