Category: Prime Lens Cameras

The point and shoot film cameras featured in this category all feature prime lenses. Some people prefer prime lens compact film cameras, as they consider them to have a better optical quality overall. Others prefer the flexibility that zoom lenses provide. In general, it is a personal preference as to whether to use zoom or prime lens point and shoot film cameras.

Olympus mju ii Stylus Epic with roll of Kodak Gold 100

Olympus mju II (Stylus Epic), Small Compact, Light & Easy to Use

Review of the Olympus mju II, Stylus Epic, a small compact, light and easy to use point and shoot film camera, with a 35mm, f2.8...

/ 5th June 2015
Minolta Prod 20’s

Minolta Prod 20’s, Retro Camera Design Before Retro

The Minolta Prod 20’s is a retro, limited edition, film point and shoot autofocus camera, with an art-deco inspired vintage design.

/ 22nd May 2015
Canonet QL17 GIII

Canonet QL17 GIII, Like the G19 With Go Faster Stripes

Canonet QL17 GIII camera has a faster 40mm lens, versus the Canonet QL19. But, when features are compared, how different are they really?

/ 21st May 2015

Review of Panasonic C-426AF – Unashamedly Few Features

Panasonic C-426AF camera review. An extremely simple point and shoot film camera, with a flash and daylight synchronisation mode.

/ 19th May 2015
Canonet QL19 camera

Canonet QL19 | Shutter Priority, 45mm, Quiet & Quick Loading

Contemporary review of the Canonet QL19 as a compact point and shoot, shutter priority, quiet, film rangefinder camera, with a 45mm lens.

/ 16th May 2015
Ricoh AF-77 camera

Ricoh AF-77, with Panorama… Kind of

User review of the Ricoh AF-77 compact film camera. A point and shoot camera with a panorama feature, of sorts…

/ 25th April 2015
Olympus Trip- AF MD camera

Olympus Trip AF MD, Fully Automatic… more or less

Review of the Olympus Trip AF MD compact point and shoot film camera.

/ 17th April 2015
Yashica Auto-focus camera

Yashica Auto Focus, Does Things its Own Way

Review of the early version Yashica Auto Focus manual wind point and shoot film camera.

/ 17th March 2015
Canon Canonet camera

Canon Canonet – Point and Shoot, from a Different Era?

Canon Canonet. A point and shoot camera from a bygone era.

/ 10th March 2015